Mittwoch, 7. Juli 2021

Kuveni Kalakaruwa - Garden Of Sadness


1. What was your first association, when you heard about the topic "Reconnaissance In Times Of Darkness"?
The first association has been the covid-crisis with all its victims. I thought it would be nice to have a place to sit and meditate.

2. Reconnaissance is exploration conducted to gain information with observation, surveillance and knowledge. How did you 'explore' the darkness.
Reconnaissance in that sense had stopped and nobody was sure, when it would start again. So a good topic for reflection, whether it would be the same in a digitalised setting.

3 How long did the process of creation last for this exhibition?
One month

4. Which were the biggest obstacles?
Compared with Second Life the obstacles are less, because there is no upload fee for textures and you can experiment with texture more. My biggest obstacle was the scripts for the candle-flames in my installation.

5. What are the most important techniques, that you use for virtual art? How  did you use these to interpret the theme?
I learned how to create fractal textures from Asmita, who uses the software Incendia. To apply the textures I use sculpties and meshes, directly produced in Incendia and processed with the MS 3DBuilder+Meshlab.

6. What does it mean for you to create art in virtual worlds? Is it different from creating art in RL?
In RL I use the usual techniques, like watercolor, acrylic painting and textile art. But with virtual art you don't depend on colors or tools and that is a liberation in a certain way. I need in general art for my self-awareness.

7. What are your former experiences with art in virtual worlds? Have you taken part in themed  group collaborative projects? Or is your art usually more singular?
I have participated in Asmita's collaborative exhibition EcoScape and that was a great experience.

8. Which role does virtual art play in your country of origin according to your experiences?
Few people only see the capacities of virtual world for the arts.

9. In which way was the creating of art helpful for you in the covid-crisis?
It was very helpful; at least a constant medium for not becoming depressive and offer the chance to express yourself.

10. Which topic would be interesting to you as an artistic challenge in the future?
I will wait with what Asmita is coming up.

Montag, 5. Juli 2021

Shenn Tao - Dark Artistic Exploration

1. What was your first association, when you heard about the topic "Reconnaissance In Times Of Darkness"?

To symbolize the darkness and bring a little light

2. Reconnaissance is exploration conducted to gain information with observation, surveillance and knowledge. How did you 'explore' the darkness.

With my feelings and the images that came to me

3. How long did the process of creation last for this exhibition?

Full time I think 5 to 6 hours

4. Which were the biggest obstacles?

To find the ideas to give the right message

5. What are the most important techniques, that you use for virtual art? How did you use these to interpret the theme?

Textures and shapes as well as the sculpties

6. What does it mean for you to create art in virtual worlds? Is it different from creating art in RL?

Collaboration, shares, easier for me to share in the virtual world

7. What are your former experiences with art in virtual worlds? Have you taken part in themed group collaborative projects? Or is your art usually more singular?

Several projects in virtual worlds, exhibitions and competitions, several sims on the ignis fatuus grid

8. Which role does virtual art play in your country of origin according to your experiences?

Still very little known and recognized in France

9. In which way was the creating of art helpful for you in the covid-crisis?

Artistic creation makes it possible to bring ideas to life and also to share beauty, so in a period of confinement it is a form of freedom

10. Which topic would be interesting to you as an artistic challenge in the future?

Towards a united and responsible world where everyone could find their balance.


Dienstag, 22. Juni 2021

Tina Bey - Pandemic Darkness

1. What was your first association, when you heard about the topic "Reconnaissance In Times Of Darkness"?
Answer 1: The pandemic.

2.  Reconnaissance is exploration conducted to gain information with observation, surveillance and knowledge. How did you 'explore' the darkness.
- With expectations, concentrated and studying its possibilities and consequences ...

3.  How long did the process of creation last for this exhibition?
- About a month.

4. Which were the biggest obstacles?
- I had no major drawbacks, everything glided harmoniously.

5. What are the most important techniques, that you use for virtual art? How  did you use these to interpret the theme?
- The creation of scenarios that tell what I want to say.
Using editing and mesh creation programs, which give me just the right tools to build my idea.

6. What does it mean for you to create art in virtual worlds? Is it different from creating art in RL?
-  For me to create in virtual worlds, a huge and infinite way of creation opened for me where dreams come true.
I have worked at RL for many years but with my own limitations; Seeing the difference, I am left with the virtual world, the one that gives me more creative expansion.

7. What are your former experiences with art in virtual worlds? Have you taken part in themed  group collaborative projects? Or is your art usually more singular?
- Yes, I have participated in various art events, as long as I find out or are invited; I really like to show what I do freely, although I am also open to participate with groups in events with ideas from the organizers, new challenges attract me.

8. Which role does virtual art play in your country of origin according to your experiences?
- According to my few experiences, since I have not started to investigate about it, but I believe, as in all countries, it is something that will be incorporated little by little. My post is always in English, although incredibly I don't know that language, but I managed to write it, "thanks God Google" and thus I connect more with the infinite universe ..

9. In which way was the creating of art helpful for you in the covid-crisis?
- The creation of Art always helps me !! ... is my best friend. It orders me, balances me and makes me happy. I could not live without all the playful things that surround me daily.

10. Which topic would be interesting to you as an artistic challenge in the  future?
_  -  The topics that interest me are current ones; singular and global human problems.


Montag, 21. Juni 2021

Lalie Sorbet - Black Shadows On Diversity


What was your first association, when you heard about the topic "Reconnaissance In Times Of Darkness"?

Being a very positive person, I always want to explore the positive aspects even in very dark events. So I immediately sought to show beautiful things, certainly threatened but with the desire above all to show the beautiful and to call to protect this beautiful.

Reconnaissance is exploration conducted to gain information with observation, surveillance and knowledge. How did you 'explore' the darkness

In the same way as mentioned above : in the positive aspects.

How long did the process of creation last for this exhibition?

Difficult to say .. Like any creative process there is a more or less long maturation time more or less consciously, then suddenly something obvious appears and everything falls into place .. This last step can be very fast .
For this exhibition I followed that pattern.

Which were the biggest obstacles?

No big obstacles but small challenges like adapting to another virtual world like OSGrid and some technical questions.

What are the most important techniques, that you use for virtual art? How  did you use these to interpret the theme?

Being an RL and SL photographer my work comes down to images, I also draw, shoot my pictorial work and exhibit it in virtual worlds. In addition I use some softwares to rework my photos like Photoshop. For this exhibition, I simply rezzed photos that illustrated my point.

What does it mean for you to create art in virtual worlds? Is it different from creating art in RL?
Lalie Sorbet

Créer de l’art dans les mondes virtuels est pour moi une nouvelle plateforme d’expérimentation et donc une grande joie et une grande curiosité. Oui c’est très différent que dans RL pour des raisons de faisabilité et de la manière de voir les oeuvres. Dans kes mindes virtuels je peux exposer mon travail avec des formats immenses, et donc percevoir différemment mon travail. C’est très inspirant et nourrissant et se serait juste impossible dans RL. En tout dernier j’ai remarqué qu’il y avait une aller retour créatif entre RL et les mondes virtuels, l’un nourrissant l’autre et vice versa.

Creating art in virtual worlds is for me a new platform for experimentation and therefore great joy and curiosity and a way to find different paths of creation. Yes it is very different than in RL for reasons of feasibility and the way of seeing the works. In virtual worlds I can exhibit my work in huge formats, and therefore perceive my work differently. It's very inspiring and nourishing and just wouldn't be possible in RL. At the very last moment I noticed that there was a creative back and forth between RL and virtual worlds, feeding the other and vice versa.

What are your former experiences with art in virtual worlds? Have you taken part in themed  group collaborative projects? Or is your art usually more singular?

I've always wanted to share my photos through different exhibitions here in virtual worlds personal or collaborative.

Which role does virtual art play in your country of origin according to your experiences?

Virtual art brings many questions to a society undergoing complete transformation due to informatics. What will be the place of digital technology in the history of art? A medium or a way of representing the world as perspective did ... the questions remain unanswered.

In which way was the creating of art helpful for you in the covid-crisis?

Artistic creation is useful to me all the time… It's a way of seeing life differently, in a more lively, mysterious, interesting way. Of course during the COVID containment periods I had a lot more time and I took the opportunity to draw and therefore explore new paths.

Which topic would be interesting to you as an artistic challenge in the  future?

I do not know yet 🙂


Samstag, 12. Juni 2021

Victoria Logan - Mental Health In Pandemic Times

1. What was your first association, when you heard about the topic "Reconnaissance In Times Of Darkness"?
Victoria: Associate the expression "recognition in times of darkness", with the situation we are experiencing, sadness, pain, anguish, fear and loneliness.

2. Reconnaissance is exploration conducted to gain information with observation, surveillance and knowledge. How did you 'explore' the darkness.
Explore the darkness, from my own experience, observing and analyzing the situation of ambiguity in people..

3 How long did the process of creation last for this exhibition?
The creation process was continuous and expressive, time stopping, when I reached the point of feeling that my work expressed my vision of the subject.

4. Which were the biggest obstacles?
There was no major obstacle, only the logical and normal in the implementation and organization of it.

5. What are the most important techniques, that you use for virtual art? How  did you use these to interpret the theme?
The techniques that I used to carry out my work were:
- Communication, playing with symmetry, simplicity and complexity of the human mind, balance and instability.
- Investigative and technological, research on the subject, resources and processes related to 3d and 2d software.

6. What does it mean for you to create art in virtual worlds? Is it different from creating art in RL?

Creating art in a virtual medium is very different for me than doing it in real life. Since in my personal case I would not have elements, materials that allow me to create 3d figures.
It could only take pictures.

7. What are your former experiences with art in virtual worlds? Have you taken part in themed  group collaborative projects? Or is your art usually more singular?
Participate in several collaborative projects, in several Grid, which allowed me to learn and grow in my work.

8. Which role does virtual art play in your country of origin according to your experiences?
In my country, virtual art constitutes a new field of artistic creation that is exploited by some associations, museums. Being a theme in continuous development and growth.

9. In which way was the creating of art helpful for you in the covid-crisis?
It helped me a lot since it allowed me to organize my vision on the subject, which I referred to in the exhibition.
As it also mobilized me in the face of the pandemic, taking me out of my passivity.

10. Which topic would be interesting to you as an artistic challenge in the  future?
It is impossible for me to think of a single issue, there are several important issues: gender violence, the climate emergency, world hunger, inequality, and love.                    

Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2021

Emma Fargis: In Search Of Happiness (Die Suche nach Glück)


1. Was war Ihre erste Assoziation, als Sie von dem Thema "Aufklärung in Zeiten der Dunkelheit" hörten?

Ich fühle mich nicht als Seher oder eine, die mit erhobenen Zeigefinger aufklärt. Deshalb reduziert sich bei mir das Ganze auf, was will ich selber und das gestehe ich auch den anderen zu.

2. Aufklärung ist eine Erkundung, die durchgeführt wird, um Informationen durch Beobachtung, Überwachung und Wissen zu erhalten. Wie haben Sie die Dunkelheit "erforscht"?

.Aufklärung bedeutet für mich, anderen Menschen von meiner Arbeit zu erzählen. Sie über das eigene Tun und Wollen zu informieren, ohne sie zu indoktrinieren.

Meine Gedanken sind entstanden durch die Informationen aus den Medien.
Ich lebe nicht in Dunkelheit. Es geht mir sehr gut. Ich verstehe sehr gut, dass andere auch so leben wollen.
Daher  ist mein Thema " Die Suche nach dem Glück" die Beoabachtung der Auswirkung, die diese schlechte Lebensqualität anderer mit sich bringt.

3. Wie lange hat der Schöpfungsprozess für diese Ausstellung gedauert?

Dieses Projekt war für eine reale  temporäre Ausstellung vorgesehen.
Ein Konzept hatte ich daher schon länger in Second Life realisiert, um eine 3D Darstellung für die reale Welt auszudrucken.
Die Umsetzung diese Themas im OSGrid war deshalb kein langer Prozess, da für RL eine Realisierung dieses Themas bereits geplant war.

4. Welches waren die größten Hindernisse?

Ich kenne mich nicht so gut aus auf dem OSGrid. Meine technischen Möglichkeiten sind begrenzt..

5. Was sind die wichtigsten Techniken, die Sie für die virtuelle Kunst verwenden? Wie haben Sie diese verwendet, um das Thema zu interpretieren? 

Die Technik der Verlinkens von Prims oder das Kopieren und das Modifizieren sind bauliche Arbeiten, die ich seit 2008 praktiziere in virtuellen Welten.

6. Was bedeutet es für Sie, Kunst in virtuellen Welten zu schaffen? Unterscheidet es sich vom Erstellen von Kunst in RL?

Bisher habe ich nur Second Life verwendet, um meine Kunstprojekte anschaulich für RL aufzuarbeiten.
Anderseits lade ich reale Zeichnungen und Malerei in virtuelle Welten, um hier meine Arbeiten zu zeigen. Es gibt Sculpturen und kleinere Projekte, die nur in der Virtualität existieren und funktionieren.

7. Was sind Ihre früheren Erfahrungen mit Kunst in virtuellen Welten? Haben Sie an themenbezogenen Gruppen-Kooperationsprojekten teilgenommen? Oder ist deine Kunst normalerweise singulär? 

Meine Frage: was ist normal und was soll unnormal sein?
Ich habe Ausstellungen aufgebaut in virtuellen Welten, die real gemalte Bilder zeigten. Diese baue ich in ganze Erlebniswelten ein.
Ich male vor allem Aquarelle, zeichne und die letzen Arbeiten waren Äzdrucke .
Real gemalte Bilder sind unverwechselbar und immer einzigartig, egal ob es ein Kind oder ein Erwachsener ist, Profi oder Anfänger.
Film : "Der Haendler von Keralim" => 

Einzelprojekte entstanden bei der Gruppenausstellung von Asmita (mein Projekt, Kiste 10x10m, Die Gier).

8. Welche Rolle spielt virtuelle Kunst in Ihrem Herkunftsland nach Ihren Erfahrungen?

(weiß ich nicht, ist zumindest ins allgemeine Bewußtsein gerückt, Videoinstallationen, Lichinstallationen ...)

9. Inwiefern hat Ihnen das Schaffen von Kunst in der Covid-Krise geholfen? 

Ich  bin auch sonst bei der Erschaffung von Kunst mit mir alleine, daher hat Isolation kaum Auswirkung auf mich.

10. Welches Thema würde Sie in Zukunft als künstlerische Herausforderung interessieren?
Videos zu drehen, ist spannend. Das Erzählen von Geschichten mit Hilfe von virtuellen Welten ist eine noch nicht ausgelotete Herausforderung für mich.

1. what was your first association when you heard about the topic "enlightenment in times of darkness"?

I don't feel like a seer or someone who enlightens with a raised forefinger. That's why for me the whole thing is reduced to what do I want myself and what do I concede to others.

2. enlightenment is an exploration that is carried out to obtain information through observation, monitoring and knowledge. How did you "explore" the darkness?

.reconnaissance for me means telling other people about my work. Informing them about what I do and want to do without indoctrinating them.

My thoughts are created by the information from the media.
I do not live in darkness. I am doing very well. I understand very well that others also want to live like that.
Therefore, my theme " The search for happiness" is the observation of the impact that this poor quality of life of others brings.

3) How long did the creation process for this exhibition take?

This project was intended for a real temporary exhibition.
Therefore, I had realized a concept in Second Life for quite some time in order to print out a 3D representation for the real world.
The realization of this theme in OSGrid was therefore not a long process, because a realization of this theme was already planned for RL.

What were the biggest obstacles?

I don't know my way around the OSGrid that well. My technical possibilities are limited...

5. What are the main techniques you use for virtual art? How did you use them to interpret the theme?

The technique of linking prims or copying and modifying are constructional works that I practice in virtual worlds since 2008.

6. What does it mean to you to create art in virtual worlds? Is it different from creating art in RL?

So far, I have only used Second Life to vividly work up my art projects for RL.
On the other hand, I upload real drawings and paintings into virtual worlds to show my work here. There are sculptures and smaller projects that exist and function only in virtuality.

7. What are your previous experiences with art in virtual worlds? Have you participated in themed group collaborative projects? Or is your art usually singular?

My question: what is normal and what should be abnormal?
I have built exhibitions in virtual worlds that showed real painted images. I build these into whole worlds of experience.
I paint mainly watercolors, draw and the last works were etchings.
Real painted pictures are distinctive and always unique, whether it is a child or an adult, professional or beginner.
Film : "The merchant of Keralim" =>

Individual projects were created at the group exhibition of Asmita (my project, box 10x10m, The Greed).

8. what role does virtual art play in your country of origin according to your experience?

(I don't know, has at least come into general awareness, video installations, light installations ...).

9. how did creating art help you in the covid crisis?

I am also otherwise alone with myself when creating art, so isolation has little effect on me.

10. What subject would interest you as an artistic challenge in the future?
Making videos is exciting. Storytelling using virtual worlds is an unexplored challenge for me.

Translated with (free version)

Samstag, 5. Juni 2021

Caro Fayray - Light in The Darkness


1. What was your first association, when you heard about the topic "Reconnaissance In Times Of Darkness"?

Answer 1: We are in the middle of Darkness right now, in so many ways. The planet. Humanity. Global warming. Greed. Inequalities. Suffering. So to me the topic was immediate and very broad.

2. Reconnaissance is exploration conducted to gain information with observation, surveillance and knowledge. How did you 'explore' the darkness.

Answer 2: I made lists and I researched articles and looked at images of different ways the problems could be addressed and outcomes reversed or improved.

3. How long did the process of creation last for this exhibition?

Answer 3: I was invited to join the team in January and the exhibition opened at the end of March, so 2 to 3 months. But I used and adapted stuff I had made before as well as creating new ones.

4. Which were the biggest obstacles?

Answer 4:  Mainly frustration at myself when I failed to make stuff work.

5. What are the most important techniques, that you use for virtual art? How did you use these to interpret the theme?

Answer 5: Textures, movement, immersion and interactivity along with prim torture are what i use.  For this display I used moving textures and particles to lead you through it. I like to use sounds as they are very underestimated, I think, in creating the immersion of the experience. I like art that is interactive as it makes you feel it. To me it seems kind of a waste of virtual to just stand and look.

6. What does it mean for you to create art in virtual worlds? Is it different from creating art in RL?

Answer 6: Creating in virtual worlds is my 'meditation', as my daughter calls  it. I am absorbed completely. I will have something in my head that I then try to make happen in virtual.  Not being bound by RL restrictions you can 'fly'. The only restrictions being your imagination and your ability to make it happen.

7. What are your former experiences with art in virtual worlds? Have you taken part in themed  group collaborative projects? Or is your art usually more singular?

Answer 7: My 'art' started out as explorations with torturing prims, textures and particles I had a few displays in small galleries around SL.  I discovered events and did displays for SLBs and Burn2 . Then moved on to opensim. I made OSgrid my home and did events in various  grids.  I enjoy the process of building to a theme and being part of a whole. I have a sim dedicated to art in OSgrid (mine and others).  Recently I took part in a Virtual/RL event for Dutch Design Week in SL and this one in OSgrid.

8. Which role does virtual art play in your country of origin according to your experiences?

Answer 8: During the last year 'virtual art' has become more mainstream. Galleries and  museums have, out of necessity, gained online virtual presence.

9. In which way was the creating of art helpful for you in the covid-crisis?

Answer 9: Once again I could enter 'my world' (as my 4 year old granddaughter calls it) and escape reality:)  Virtual also gave the interaction with others which was missing at this time.

10. Which topic would be interesting to you as an artistic challenge in the  future?

Answer 10: mmmm....this question is hard. Usually I get given a theme and then work to it. I really don't know. There are so many i would be happy to explore:)

Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2021

Claude Belgar - Science In Dark Times

1. What was your first association, when you heard about the topic "Reconnaissance In Times Of Darkness"?

It was how religion always suppressed Science.

2. Reconnaissance is exploration conducted to gain information with observation, surveillance and knowledge. How did you 'explore' the darkness.

By trying to keep a scientific mind.

3 How long did the process of creation last for this exhibition?

Time is relative.

4. Which were the biggest obstacles?

Actually finding the time lo log in the OS grid

5. What are the most important techniques, that you use for virtual art? How  did you use these to interpret the theme?

I try to keep it simple.

6. What does it mean for you to create art in virtual worlds? Is it different from creating art in RL?

It's easier in VW, you have far less pressure, so you can actually take your chance.

7. What are your former experiences with art in virtual worlds? Have you taken part in themed  group collaborative projects? Or is your art usually more singular?

I have showcased real life pictures in SL and made modern sculptures, and while I have participated in a a couple of collaborative project, I mostly work alone.

8. Which role does virtual art play in your country of origin (France) according to your experiences?

I never thought about it, so I cannot answer this question.

9. In which way was the creating of art helpful for you in the covid-crisis?

It allowed to think about something else.

10. Which topic would be interesting to you as an artistic challenge in the  future?

The challenge is to find an idea whatever the challenge is.

Montag, 24. Mai 2021

Fuyuko Amano - Darkness And Cyber-Punk

1. What was your first association, when you heard about the topic "Reconnaissance In Times Of Darkness"?

The very first... how certain authoritarian rulers disbelieve in science. But then i put more than just a fleeting thought in it.
And I came to understand it as another way of describing Age of Enlightenment.
:-)  We are still in an Age of Enlightenment, Science is making strides into new realms of knowledge every day.
2. Reconnaissance is exploration conducted to gain information with observation, surveillance and knowledge. How did you 'explore' the darkness.

My theme for the Expo was "Darkness And Cyber Punk" so I could not explore the darkness per se since it is a stylistic tool integral to cyberpunk, as mentioned in its definition
"...Cyberpunk is a subgenre of science fiction in a dystopian futuristic setting that tends to focus on a "combination of lowlife and high tech" featuring advanced technological and scientific achievements, such as artificial intelligence and cybernetics, juxtaposed with a degree of breakdown or radical change in the social order..."
So.... I saw my way of "exploring" more as a way of showing.
3 How long did the process of creation last for this exhibition?

How long?  haha I didnt count. I worked on it several hours for several days.
4. Which were the biggest obstacles?

The biggest obstacle....   The idea. I normally work intuitive, but a project were someone gives me a theme i have to work on contradicts this approach.
5. What are the most important techniques, that you use for virtual art? How  did you use these to interpret the theme?

Most important...  :-)   I actually work like any other photographer just that my camera is the computer. I see the graphic display on my screen and make a screenshot (photo) of it. But... yes, not simply a screenshot.
You have to mind the picture composition, the lighting... simply everything you have to mind with photography anywhere. And after the photo comes the post-processing. Mostly little corrections of contrast and saturation.
There is even one big advantage. In many virtual surroundings you are free to move the point of view around in far greater ways as in real world.

6. What does it mean for you to create art in virtual worlds? Is it different from creating art in RL?

As I just said, you have more freedom in moving the camera-position, mostly. I also do photography in videogames and there the camera-freedom is often limited.
7. What are your former experiences with art in virtual worlds? Have you taken part in themed  group collaborative projects? Or is your art usually more singular?

I already described that "themed" work is contradictory to my normal way of doing things. I seldom do this. And my former experiences... :-)  long before i started to make pictures in virtual worlds like Second Life i already made photos in videogames, and before that i made photos. So you can say I only changed the tool.
8. Which role does virtual art play in your country of origin according to your experiences?

Virtual Art in my country....  haha. Most doesnt even know it exists.
9. In which way was the creating of art helpful for you in the covid-crisis?

Oh.. sorry in no way. I work in heathcare, so i had much to do.
10. Which topic would be interesting to you as an artistic challenge in the  future?

oh my, those questions... None and All.

Montag, 26. April 2021

Reconnaissance In Times Of Darkness - Sub-Topics Of Each Artist

A pandemia is ruling the world in the moment and all of us suffer from that situation.
It evokes dark emotions of fear, hopelessness, isolation, sadness, grief, desperation, depression.
Is it possible in such a global crisis to learn and teach, to explore, to be creative?
What are the strategies to fight against all those negative physical and psychological impacts, which pull us down?

12 artists in Second Life and OSGrid try to give their answers in an artistic and creative way and to show their approach to the topic with their individual way of expression. They proof, that art and all cultural forms of expression can shed light on the darkness and enable mankind to use them as a strategy of orientation and processing of unexpected. It is helpful for themselves and for the visiting guests too, who can participate in the world of feelings and thoughts of the creators.

This blog provides from now every week informations about the topics of the artists, their actual bio as artists in virtual worlds and the landmark to their entrance-gate in the central landing-area. The gates can be accessed by just walking in and if they are off, then it can be done by clicking. Each art-installation has also a tp-pad, which leads back to the central landing area. All installations are immersive and some even interactive, so that you have to experience them at the place for a better understanding and appreciating.
The central landing spot is here: .

We are starting with Argentinian artist Victoria Logan. Her sub-topic is Mental Health In Pandemic Times and she explains her artwork as follows: The visual resources and expressive supports used in this montage represent the subjective resources that each person has to face situations. They will leave marks, they will be learnings, they will be traumas, they will be able to reinvent themselves and others will not. It is time for reconnaissance in times of pandemic, in times of darkness.
Used material: Digital programs: photoshop- fractalius- blender. meshmixer. Xaos.
Biography: Visual artist at Open Sim. Self-taught in different expressions of visual art. Related academic career in Humanities in RL.
x-grid-info://osgrid/region/interstellART_exhibitions/310/359/24 .

Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2021

Wankagiriya - Feelings Of Isolation And Distance

Another art-exhibition has been completed for the collaborative project "Reconnaissance In Times Of Darkness", which will be opened in OSGrid on 21st of March at 2pm SLT. Sujeewa Kumari, a well reputed Sri Lankan artist, shows drawings and paintings created during the Corona-crisis with the title "wankagiriya", feelings of distance and isolation. The paintings can be bought in real and the artist will give a special discount for visitors of the VWBPE-event, who decide there to buy one. Ask Asmita Duranjaya for details.

Sujeewa's work has been arranged by Asmita in cubes according to the wish of the artist and each cube is hollow and a visitor can sit inside and let him/her inspire by the artwork. It contains a chair with the specific texture, which can be taken as a freebie for 0L. 

The pictures are of a soft and sensitive beauty and are sold for a very reasonable price. Sri Lanka as an island was completely isolated during the last year of covid 19 and it was extremely difficult for artists to survive, because they live also from buyers and collectors, who come from outside the island. So each sold artwork is a help for the artists and their families. Two pictures are already sold.

"Wankagiriya" means something like maze. The maze is a symbol for the feelings in corona-times - we are in a trap and have to find the way out in a difficult terrain.



Mittwoch, 3. Februar 2021

Sneak Preview: "Reconnaissance In Times Of Darkness" in OSGrid


Wailing women surround a polluted water puddle. They are dressed like figures from an ancient Greek tragedy or like wailing women, who were hired to mourn during funerals in many cultures. Why do they mourn?
In the puddle we see the garbadge of civilization, bottles, plastic bags and paper, chemicals etc. and, when we look closer human bones. A pandemia? A crime? Suicide? Carelessness? An accident? A symbol for the status of mankind and humanity in a threatened world, on a tortured planet. Our values and convictions are emerging in times of darkness and reveal our true achievements.
Dark times can insofar be seen as an advantage: they help to achieve reconnaissance.
Art in its divers options of expression is an optimal medium to express the emotional part of darkness. The additional features of virtual worlds are the immersion and interactivity, which help to dive deeply into the context and process the traumata and threats of the dark sides of life. Art can help to become aware of all variants of negative impacts.
As its best it can wake up the power to resist and lay the seed for a better future.

10 artists have taken the opportunity to create huge installations related to the given topic. Here is a sneak preview of the ones, who are already or nearly finished and could be visited already. Landing spot is: x-grid-info://osgrid/region/interstellART_exhibitions/387/338/24, from where the gates to each artist are available.

Victoria Logan's (Argentine) focus is on "Mental Health In Pandemic Times" (Spanish and English):

The pandemia is also the focus of Tina Bey's (Argentine) installation "Pandemic Darkness":

The British artist Caro Fayray tries to shed "Light On The Darkness" on our planet:

French artist Claude Belgar shows in his minimalistic style the topic "Science In Dark Times" and goes back in history to Galileo Galilei:

Shenn Tao has created a mysterious orb with a dark power inside, an imagination of anti-matter and a "Dark Artistic Exploration":

Photo-artist Fuyuko Amano shows photos, taken in Cyber-Punk environments in Second Life and which show the function of "Darkness In Cyber-Punk":

"Threats To Freedom" is the topic of host and artist Asmita Duranjaya. Examples are the umbrella-movement in Hongkong and the general threat to cut down the freedom of media all over the world:

French artist lalie Sorbet focuses on the topic "Dark Shadows On Diversity" and shows brilliant macro-photos of endangered species:

Kuveni Kalakaruwa's "Garden Of Sadness" invites persons, who have lost a family member or a friend during the pandemia, for meditation by sitting down and lightening a candle for their beloved ones.

More topics related to "Reconnaissance In Times Of Darkness" will follow; the following artists are working on their installations:

iSkye Silverweb - Being Deaf In Times Of Darkness

Sujeewa Kumari - Feelings Of Isolation And Distance

We invite all interested hyper-travellers to visit the var-sim interstellART_exhibitions: .

Visiotrs, who have no open sim-avatar yet can register here, choose an avatar and login.

Look for the profile of Asmita Duranjaya and for VWBPE in the picks. There will be the tp to the welcome area. 

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